Petty argument that got huge!

This morning my husband and I got into the stupidest argument ever! He got us a breakfast burrito to share. I loved that, and appreciated that! When I bit into the burrito I made a face because it wasn’t the normal one we get. Then the heat kicked in! I said “This isn’t good! There are lots of jalapeños on this! Whoa it’s hot. Why did you get this?” He gets super upset and starts saying “Fine, I won’t get that one anymore! I was just trying to get a more hearty burrito to keep me fuller.” I simply said “well next time let me know you got something different.” He then gets annoyed and started yelling at me “okay… I won’t fucking get it next time.” I said “it’s not an issue, just keep the jalapeños off.” At this point he refuses to eat the burrito… tells me to get the fuck out of the room. I refused because it was a stupid argument. About 5 minutes later he’s yelling at me again because I took the burrito and said I was going to throw it away since he didn’t want it…. 🤦🏻‍♀️ he kept screaming at me that I was “Too fucking masculine.” Then demanded I drop him off to work. I told him no, he could take the car and drop the kids off today. He refused… then yelled in my face that I’ll be dropping him off weather I want to or not. So I said “I will be getting my car fixed as soon as I get this money! We won’t have to do this much longer.” He blew his fucking top and told me “I don’t give a fuck! Fix your shitty car. Fucking leave for all I care. I don’t give a fuck what you do.”

I understand he’s been under a lot of stress, SO HAVE I! We’re stressing about the same shit- our kid health. But to blow up on me about a fucking burrito? Come on now.