13dpo help!


For the last year my cycles have been 24-26 days max. Today is CD 27. I’m assuming I’m 13 DPO but not

confirmed except CM and cervical position. I did have EWCM for 3 days after my supposed ovulation day, but my cervix was closed. I realize I could have ovulated later. I’ve taken tests the last few days and they have all been negative. Today I though for sure o was waking up with my period, cramping dull ache feeling down there. But nothing. My cervix is even high and softer than it was yesterday. I have no signs of AF coming. The cramps stopped completely. I’m driving myself nuts! I’m 38 and have been TTC for baby #2 for 8 years.

Am I out?! Love to hear stories anyone who didn’t get a positive until 14 DPO or later