Anyone on hbp meds postpartum?


I was prescribed Nifidpine or idk if that’s how you spell it. I never experienced hbp postpartum with any of my other babies nor during my pregnancy! Has anyone been on this medication before? If so, for how long? I am miserable it breaks me into pieces knowing my body is going through a lot & on top of being in pain while recovering from the c section makes everything worse in my opinion. I never in my life thought I’d be on hbp meds & I ask God why is it always something when it comes to me. I may sound dramatic but I’m in pain & knowing I’m not perfectly healthy rn when I have kids is frustrating & sucks. & trying to take care of a newborn while I feel like crap half the time. I’m 1 week pp by the way!

Anyone went through a similar experience?

Thanks in advance🥲