Tips on how to survive financially as a single mom


Any previous stay at home mothers get divorced and now single mom on own? I have a two and one year old in process of trying to divorce my narcissistic abusive husband of almost 5 yrs… I am a stay at home mom. Anyone with experience similar ? How are you affording to rent a place and have enough money to do so, pay for two babies, place, utilities, car insurance, food, diapers etc, ? Life is so expensive… I’m scared I’ll have to live with my parents forever. That is terrifying. Any tips? Apply for food stamps? Wic? Medicaid? Also I spoke to lawyer secretly and apparently I get half of everything—money we make in home, half value of his car, half the money made into his 401k stocks etc….. child support…. Will that be enough with a job of course to survive?? I want to cry at the thought already that my babies won’t have a family unit, but now if I have to live with my parents. I am just depressed. But I cannot continue to be in this marriage it isn’t a marriage it’s a manipulation, abusive loveless life. Anyone with experience it would truly give me some hope. Thank you. I think being a stay at home mom terrifies me because I remember how much I made my last full time job before babies with a bachelors degree. I took home $25,000 annually …nobody can live on that especially with two boys….. my now husband makes 6x that. I’m scared.