Anyone else have this happen?

So i didn't have this problem before I got pregnant but ever since i got pregnant I've been smelling down you know where more... like i'll get out of the shower and can't stand the way i smell like a few hours later. My boyfriend says i smell fine and he doesn't understand why i think i smell bad but i literally wanna puke. Like i can't even have normal sex because i can stop getting wiffs of myself. But i haven't changed anything other than my diet. I didn't have the beat diet in the world before i got pregnant but ever since i found out i completely overhauled my diet and eat like a health nut on overdrive so i know at least it shouldn't be because of a poor diet or something.... i use the same exact shower products i've always used and half the time i don't wear tight not breathable clothing... i know i don't have any like infections or diseases because i get regular check ups and tests for that even though i'm in a monogamous relationship just because i feel it's responsible for me to make sure for myself. So like what the heck has changed? Has anyone else experienced this??? If so, what fixed it or helped? I really hate the idea of taking antibiotics or something but like i can't even with this smell that only i seem to be trippin about. Am i just disgusting to only myself and i'm crazy?