I am freaking out - copper IUD


Hey there!

I've had the copper IUD (Paragard) since 2015, and it's been working well for me.

Even though my partner and I have been having a lot of sex and he came inside me a few times, I've been getting my period normally.

My last period came on the 27th day of my cycle, just as usual. I recently visited my OB/GYN, and my IUD was perfectly in place just a few days before my period started.

However, last week I noticed some blood in my discharge (strains in the white egg type of discharg), and since then, I've been experiencing blood in my discharge (just like end/beginning of period). I'm really scared that I might be pregnant. I asked my doctor about it, and she's not worried, but I can't shake off this feeling of concern.

Has anyone else experienced something similar? This is the first time this has happened to me. I'd be willing to show a picture privately, as I don't want to share too much information in this post.

Thank you!