What To Wear to a Kink Party?

Kathryn • Bisexual. Active member of LGBT community. Struggling with anxiety, but happy and content with my life. Acceptance of all others is priority #1

My wife (24F) and I (25F) are attending our first clothing-is-largely-optional kink party this weekend, and are both a little nervous about what to wear as to not stand out. We’ve always kept our activities to ourselves and in private groups of close friends, this will be our first time doing so in front of strangers. I’ve read several answers via Google and Reddit but not seen any practical examples… Yes, we’re both being stereotypical former-eldest-daughters-turned-moms and overthinking things, but I also want us both to feel confident walking in and set up for a good time. Anyone willing to share examples (either their own or from google) on what people wear to these types of events?

Also any other advice on what to expect from this type of event is welcome. 💕