How the f do you wean a 12 MO who doesn’t sleep through the night and nurses to get down/back down. HOW


I sleep trained my son at 5 months old so I didn’t have this problem with my first. I am purposefully not sleep training this time around and my 12 MO daughter still wakes 3x a night. I tried to stop nursing to sleep for naps and bedtime and that worked for a while, but she screams her head off in the night if I don’t nurse her to get her back down.

Lately she’s HAD to nurse to sleep because she’s in an awkward place where 2 naps is too much but 1 nap isn’t enough and so she’s been super over tired lately and had a messy schedule.

It is NOT helpful sending my husband in there so please don’t mention that one.

The best we’ve been able to do lately is when she nurses I cut her off after 5 minutes and binky/transfer her. She protested that initially but not too badly.

I tried to night wean her before this messy nap transition and she would scream and cry for over an hour every single night and it would wake my son up. I just can not do it like that where I just listen to her cry and cry and cry for hours in the night waking everyone up. Is there anything else I can do? Even crazy stuff like bandaids on the nipples 🫣

Ps I need to wean her for my own reasons and know she is getting plenty of nutrition during the day I’m just DONE