RSV and breastfeeding


i’m exclusively pumping, and i am now sick. my symptoms just started not long ago. im coughing so bad and my chest hurts. i cant breathe. i need to know what medication is safe to take that wont affect my milk supply. im miserable. My 4yr old daughter got sick first, and then my 2 month old son got sick. my daughter sounded horrible and my son was just very congested but it was manageable at home. until it wasn’t, my 2 month old started wheezing so i took both of them to the ER. they have RSV, they didn’t do anything for my daughter since her breathing is well just a lot of cough, and congestion. my son got an inhaler and we brung that home, breathing treatment, and a steroid there and another prescription for a dose today. my daughter is doing slightly better, but my son is jus hitting the peak of symptoms. this is very hard for me, my daughter was never sick when she was my sons age, and now it’s two sick kids instead of one, and mom is sick too! it’s worse because i know a lot of medications are limited for me breastfeeding. i would please like to know what i can take without losing even an ounce of my supply. i make enough for my son daily and have a little extra to be able to freeze some and i would love to keep it that way.