HELP! Graduated NICU baby only sleeps on me


My little one was born at 34 weeks due to severe preeclampsia. He was in the NICU for about little over three weeks. He’s been home a month and he will only occasionally nap in the bassinet. He’s now 8 weeks old.

He WILL however conk out for 3-5 hours laying on my chest. Which, is exhausting. My SO and I are splitting nights (I have 6-11 to shower and sleep and he has 1130-7) but due to some social stuff we skipped my sleep window last night. So I’ve been up 32 hours so far and my SO doesn’t get home from work until maybe 4pm.

When we’re up he wants to be touching constantly. If laid in the bassinet he spits up on himself, cries and screams until he’s picked up and held.

I do not know how to get him to sleep in the bassinet. But I go back to work soon and I need to sleep too.

We change his diaper, feed, burp and do activities during his wake window. I’ve tried tv, music, putting him down while he’s sleepy, waiting until he’s fully asleep to put him in, swaddling. He lasts a max of 20 minutes before the hysterics start.

Any advice to get him used to a crib/bassinet?