Hi nice to meet you ,I pray you are my helper and more blessings to you as you bless me from your heart 🥰


I have been TTC for years now and no positive results yet🥺, I have had a lot of appointments with doctors which have drained me financially and mentally ,but I won’t give up on my dream to be a mother 🥺,I lost my job since June and my partner is working a part time to sustain use we barely feed,I can’t even afford the ovulation test kit again,it even harder to pay the rent these past month,I was diagnosed with PCOS,insulin resistance and over weight which I was advised to loose some weight and also have complications (severe pain) on one of my knee,it really hard on me these past months and I appreciate any little way you can help me with.i appreciate any little and big help I will get from here,God will continue to bless and protect you and baby dust to all the TTC women and I ,sticky baby to those who got their miracle already and safe delivery to those who are due🥰.