Relationship advice

Cassey • Casseyyyy

So my boyfriend and I of a year and friends before that for two years, we got in a fight because (and I don’t know why) but I’m not interested in physically being active with him right now. I’m absolutely in love with him and I’m extremely attracted to him. But I’m a single parent (which he helps me when I ask for it and he’s practically her father) I work 50+ hours a week and to top it off my baby daddy nearly raped me a week ago all because he can’t have me anymore. I’ve not been able to get any time for myself at all. I can’t cope with the stress of everything. All I do is work and sleep. Sleep and work. And I told him there’s nothing wrong with him and he always questions me. So yesterday he was trying to make out with me and I was overstimulated. My bed wasn’t made, my kid was screaming (at the tv because SpongeBob was screaming), the tv was too loud, I was on the edge of the bed practically falling off of it and after the near assault I’ve been wayyyy off of anything intimate and I’ve told him this and he’s trying to get me through it. I will say he’s extremely patient and calm but when I got overwhelmed by everything I just screamed and got up shaking cause I was in a full on panic attack I went straight into cleaning. Then he just got up AND LEFT. So I grabbed his shit and threw it in the hall and shut the door. Fast forward a bit and we both said sorry and that we understand where each other is coming from. So I just wasn’t talkative after that display of emotion and then he wouldn’t let it go and flipped out on me and called me everything that he knew would hurt me. Things I’ve told him that people have Called me while I cried about it in his arms. I’m extremely hurt and don’t k ow what to do because i genuinely love him. My daughter even calls him dada for crying out loud. What do I do? Also sorry. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I truly appreciate your time