You did hold them accountable.

So for those who voted for Trump you got what you wanted. I've seen no dems screaming fraud or cheating or anything yet. Understand people are upset and some scared and be human. But most of all hold him accountable. Stop giving him alllllllll the benefits of the doubt. Don't make things up to justify your vote. When your groceries aren't cheaper, houses not easier to buy and nothing really better don't blame everyone else. Hold him accountable. Hold all them accountable. I've been hearing for 4 years that he will fix all of it. Ok so when he doesn't hold his ass to the fire. You did you make him do what he has been telling you. Many are going to be very sad tomorrow but congrats you won. But when he can't get shit done don't make excuses and blame everyone else but him like his last term. He isn't new now and the lack of experience cant be used. Don't give him a pass if you actually believe in him. He owes you (and us all) owe his out of touch wealthy ass nothing. Edit: never said anything about biden supporters. They did the same thing at times but there were also a lot of biden supporters that pushed for him to drop out. I'm also not a biden supporter, he was not my favorite either. I have alwasy held my politicians accountable though and expect others to do the same, especially the group saying that 1 man will come in and with ease fix all the issues with such blind devotion. Ok so when he isnt making the usa all the things he promised dont just keep saying he us the greatest if the greatest presidents and nobody will ever president or has ever presidented as good. Because guess what...our groceries are still gonna be expensive. There are still gonna be high crime rates in the cities. There still is gonna be a difficult housing market. And there will still be mass illegal immigration. But blind support when nothing gets done because you don't wanna admit it isnt going well is dumb. When i am disappointed i will write letters and on the state and local level make appts to see them and let them know they are not doing a good job or what they promised. They work for us. Trump didnt win because the nation liked Trump...Trump won because people didn't like Harris. Looks like he is going to finish with less votes than last election. So not like there was millions who saw the light and wanted Trump. Harris just wasn't that popular.