3 months and no period?


Hello. I unfortunately had a miscarriage at 7 weeks on july 31st. I have not had a period since then. I had my first negative test at 2 weeks after. I have had consistent lotion like white discharge for the last month and a half or so. Ive had no symptoms for anything. Ive not seen a doctor, i dont have insurance and everything appeared to have passed. I stopped bleeding within a week. I know i should probably see a doctor. But what doctor do i go see? i dont know what to do. Ive been scared to go to a doctor and have them tell me i cant get pregnant again. Im only 19 but my family has a long history with fertility problems and ive had nightmare after nightmare about how its my fault i lost my only chance at having a baby of my own. I guess i just need to know what doctor i should go see who can properly tell me why my period has not returned. Thank you for reading.