Cum Before Period (Updated)

Just a little backstory three weeks and two days ago I had unprotected sex for no more than a minute not sure if there was pre, but he didn't finish there. I was four days post period when, a week into my Follicular Cycle, and eight days from my fertile window when I did. My period is supposed to be here in four days. This app is normally pretty accurate for me. Today I was playing and I had stretchy liquidity white cum with a hint of what looked like it could be pink in it when I finished. It also had a bit of a yellow tint considering I just peed a little during it. Is there anything I should worry about? Is the what looked like pink my period coming soon or something else? Should I worry about possibly being pregnant? Does the discharge in the pictures below look a little brownish red or does it look like normal dried color discharge? Is it my period starting to come or is it a sign of a possible pregnancy? Note these pictures were taken this morning two days before my period is supposed to show up.