Feel a little uncomfortable about this.


Now I tend to stay out of politics too much in conversation but I say on the news in the breakroom at work about Pete Hegseth and his potentially appointment and I am not thrilled with the news after I looked him up. I was in the military for 12 years and served in 2 different branches. My husband was a Marine for 20 years before he got out. I have many friends and loved ones still in the military and I feel that this appointment is honestly a slap in the face to all whobare currently serving. I am neutral about Mr. Trump and honesty neither were my preferred canidate but he won and will be my president and the Commander in Chief so will give him the chance to show me before I judge him either way. But Mr. Hegseth is not qualified in my view amd I fear what this could mean for my sisters and brothers in uniform. The defense secretary is such a vital role amd honestly shouldn't be partisan at all in my view. The best person should be appointed and he is not it. While I respect he was a major his history and experience are not nearly enough. An advisor to the defense sec maybe but not the top role. I don't claim to be an expert on everything so can't judge anything else for the most part but I wish I could tell Mr. Trump this will be a mistake if he is appointed.com..anf thats not a department we can mess up with.