Early Pregnancy Colostrum?


Hello everyone. I am in a unique situation. My husband and I had sex a little over a week ago the day before my predicted ovulation day and we made a mistake and failed to use protection. I wasn’t able to get plan B until about noon the next day (predicted ovulation day). I’m worried it was too late and I might be pregnant. I am only 9dpo today so it is too early to test. But today noticed my breasts were hurting and then when I went to take a shower I noticed tiny beads of colostrum on my nipples. I stopped breastfeeding my son in July, almost 5 months ago. I have been completely dry since the end of August, I couldn’t express anything if I tried. Now, I can hand express what looks like colostrum. Has anyone taken plan B and had this happen OR been pregnant and it happened? I’m wondering if it’s because I stopped breastfeeding not long ago that possible pregnancy hormones could make it happen again so easily? I looked up leaking nipples with plan B and google said it is not a known side effect. Any thoughts or experiences would be helpful. Thank you!