Accidentally irritated my vag HELP!

So I was showering and I was using a loofa to scrub all in between my creases down there and I think I went too rough on my left side of vagina. It was itchy while I was scrubbing! I think I might have gotten carried away with the scrubbing because now my left side of vag is swollen and it’s causing a pain inside my left area. I spoke to my obgyn he said he will be in tomorrow he can take a look but he said if u wanna give it a few days to see how it feels continue advil because it helps a lot it’s up to me I’m not sure if any of you ladies experienced this but I’m scared and really worried that there’s some sort of infection going on. Would I need antibiotics for this? What should I do? I’m completely negative for all stds so that’s out of the question! Any input will help thanks ladies