I am lost of words here

My bf of 4 yrs he as a best friend women they have known each other since the 5th grade . when we got together i asked him questions.

*How long have yall been friends?

*Have yall kissed?

* have you ever been jealous of her past bfs?

* Has she ever confessed that she as a crush on you ?

* have yall ever been intimate teen yrs or adult yrs?

All the answers where no i was also at her wedding am her son's godfather . ok good put that out there

Now yrs later now .... He went out with her husband on friday for drinks and also ran into some friends they all ended up hanging out . and he says

" babe he got so drunk , which is weird he doesn't drink only at home , but we had fun till we took the uber he all of a suddent says OH NOW I REMEMBERED WHAT I WANTED TO TELL YOU , with a firm voice . i tell him yes what's up dude ? He says to me ,i want you to cut ties with my wife he is shocked on why so many yrs of friendship he asks him .hey did i do something or said anything am so sorry dude really if i overstepped i apologize . my bf says babe he continued talking and said i understand you like her as a friend but i think my wife wants more from you , my bf asks him why he thinks that? He said " i was going down on her and she screamed your name and tried to rub it off by saying she was thinking about a joke you said at Christmas dinner .

My bf is shook on what he said and there other friend was in the uber so witnesses to what her husband said . i asked him so what are you gonna do now? . he says am gonna invite her to eat and cut ties I'll call you so you can hear what i tell her .

So they went out yesterday morning .he told her hey i heard some stuff from your husband and this should be the end of our friendship , you know i dont like you that way i see you like a friend even a sister . what he told me made me question alot and look back on how you treated me and honestly we cant be friends . now today we also found out that her little boy isnt her husbands kid . she wants a divorce kicked him out .now its going all crazy on fb


She is now posting pictures of my bf and herself from when they was young to recent ones we took as a group .quoting

" i spend so many yrs thinking i was in love and that i had found my soulmate in my ex husband, when my actual soulmate has been standing with me being my friend all the long . "

I sat my bf down i was like , like be honest as she ever made a pass on you married or not . he says no never ive had gfs before i dated a girl before you we was together for about 5 yrs. I was single for a very long time after her she was already dating him and was pregnant also . i never made a pass on her i dont even say i love you to her . so i really dont understand why shes acting this way . we changed our phone numbers , we live in a luxurious apts so someone always rings up to us to let us know if we know they was coming . we took her off the list . like she's acting very much crazy , we also contacted the police and her family .