Sleep training


I’m interested in properly sleep training my 14 month old. She wakes up 1-3 times a night, each night is a different number of wakes and is down to one nap as of 3 weeks ago. I haven’t seen any change in bed time due to dropping a nap.

Her day starts between 8-9am, nap is between 11:30–1 for 1-2.5 hrs and bedtime is between 7-8, she is fed to sleep every night and has been. 3 meals a day with snacks in between.

Here recently, I lay her in her bed at night and she immediately wakes up and I walk out and let her cry and she falls back asleep on her own within 20 minutes.

She sleeps 4-5 hr before waking and putting her into my bed bc she won’t resettle without milk. I’ve tried water and she still cries for milk. I work early morning and hubby sucks at waking up. Any suggestions?

I need my space back with my husband 😩