Low fetal heartbeat -6 weeks


Last period : 1/16/23

Positive test : 2/20/23

1st ultrasound:2/24/23 - found a sac but no baby yet. According to lmp I should be 7 weeks but measured 6 weeks exactly. My periods are very irregular and I’m breastfeeding.

All 3 of my blood test shows my hcg increased but did not double . It went from 931–1086–1836. And my progesterone went from 8–5–4. Today 3/6/23 they did another ultrasound and found baby with heartbeat. Baby was measuring exactly 6 weeks again. Baby’s heartbeat was measuring low at ..93 . I did have some spotting after sex which was the reason I was seen in the office which made them do all the blood work from the start.

My doctor scheduled another ultrasound for 4 weeks but changed it to 3 weeks to check heartbeat. I feel like that’s too long to wait to check again.

Any similar stories with positive outcomes?

I also want to hear the bad ones as well.

I’m already prepared for the worst honestly. I didn’t expect to see a heartbeat at this appointment bc of how low my levels were .

She said levels don’t matter as long as baby is growing and developing when We discussed progesterone.