Any Successful PCOS Stories?

Farrah • 4yrs ttc/PCOS/pregnant with baby #1 naturally after an ectopic pregnancy on 3/2016! Praying for my 🌈 baby!
Hi All! I've been diagnosed with PCOS since I wa 16yrs old. I have all the symptoms (little to no periods, heavy painful periods when it does come, cysts, excess unwanted body hair mainly the chin bothers me, weight gain, thinning hair, etc etc). 
I'm 30yrs old now and ttc my #1 with my husband who is 32yrs old for 3.5yrs now. I decided to go to a fertility specialist a year ago for treatment options. Since then I've had 2 unsuccessful IUIs and one timed intercourse failure this year.  Currently on my 3rd <a href="">IUI</a>. I find out in two days if it was successful or not. I don't want to test early. I can't bear seeing a negative. I want to attempt <a href="">IVF</a> but the funds aren't there. 
I'm slowly spiraling into a depressed state. I feel so guilty not being able to give my husband a baby. It's the worst feeling in the world. I truly hate it. I find myself short tempered and very angry lately. It is so unlike me. 
Oh the irony! Had I known how difficult conceiving would be for me, I would have never used contraceptives while dating my husband. Had I known what PCOS was when I was 16yrs old and took it more seriously, maybe things would be different. 
Any one have successful stories of women with PCOS and becoming pregnant? What was your journey like? 
Any issues and troubles over this is also very welcomed to discuss below. Talking about it may be better than holding it inside. Time for some positivity. Baby dust to all ttc and congrats to everyone who has been blessed with a little one.