Best age gap between kids??

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At least until potty trained! My goal is 3-4 years apart. 


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I think four or five years. That way your first child isn't as needy and demanding as a newborn is.


Natalie • Dec 31, 2015
Ours are almost exactly 4 yrs apart and it's been really good!! Oldest is independent, can do things for herself and help out momma! Also, not clingy and jealous like when she was younger and I'd hold babies lol


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I have six children ages 6,5,3,2,2,3mo. 1/2 were 13mo apart, 2/3 were 18 mo apart 3/4&5 were 16 mo apart and 4&5/6 were 22 mo apart. I love how close they all are and yes they were all planned. 


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3 years 


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I have a 2 year age gap and a three year age gap. The three year gap is much easier to manage for me. My three year old is so much more easy to reason with than my two year old was when his sister was born. The plus to a two year or less gap though is that once you get through the first couple years they really can be good friends and play well together. My 3 and 5 year old are best buds and ta so cute. 


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I think my kids age gap is great. My son will turn 7 in August and my daughter turns 1 in October.


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Dd is 6 years old and baby is 6 weeks old. She is like his second mama and still loves to play with him. :)