Did anyone else have trouble falling asleep and STAYING asleep in the first trimester?

Did anyone else have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep in the first trimester? If so what helped? I slept allll the time with my first baby and don’t really remember having trouble sleeping at night the whole time I was pregnant with him. I’m pregnant again (7 weeks 3 days) and I literally cannot sleep🫠 even when I do fall asleep I wake up 1-2 hours later and will be up the rest of the night no matter how long I lay down holding my eyes shut. I am prescribed 400mg of progesterone a day and it makes me very drowsy so I take it before bed and sometimes will even take a unisom sleep tablet with it to hopefully stay asleep and I get soo tired that I cannot even hold my eyes open but STILL wake up 2 hours later every single night. I have a 2 year old and can’t nap during the day so getting no sleep every night and not going to bed until the sun is up is killing me😩

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