Venting/confused 😂



I started today. Must have been a delay due to the two periods in Feb. sigh… on to the next cycle. Good luck ladies! Thanks for your responses and support ❤️

Hi all.

I’m 41, hubby and I have been TTC since Dec 22’. I had my IUD removed in Nov 22’. Since then I have had pretty regular periods, 24 day cycle (my norm). In February i literally had 2 periods. 1-5th and again the 17-21st. It is now 3/15/23. I am (according to glow) on cycle day 27. This puts me at least 3 days late based on my normal cycle. I have taken multiple tests, 2 first response-neg and multiple wondfo all neg. Except for one that I think malfunctioned. It was positive with a faint line but didn’t look right when it dried. Like the dye was just running a muck.

I’m not sure if I’m late because of my double period month or if I could actually be (+). Glow says I should start on the 20th. So I’m going to wait and see. In the meantime I’m a serial tester so I’m going to keep doing that. If I don’t start by the 20th I’ll make an appointment.

I’m just so confused LOL. So I needed to vent. Let me know if any of you have ever experienced this and what your thoughts are. I’d love to hear from you.

Thank you,
