Unable to eat? Unable to stay awake?


Okay I know that when you’re pregnant especially in the first trimester, it’s normal to feel super tired. But I am so tired that it affects my every move. I can’t get up for work. I sleep at work, I get home and sleep from 4:30-8:00 and then maybe I get up and eat dinner then go straight back to sleep. It’s not enough sleep either. I slept for 15 hours yesterday and I still feel like I can take a nap right now. Is this normal? Is my iron low? Should I ask my doctor?

Also, I cannot eat ANYTHING without throwing it up. I have been doing better about the nausea feeling. I don’t feel nausea as much as I did. Now it’s just if I eat anything I immediately puke it back up. Normal? Anyone else deal with this? More importantly the exhaustion?