What’s expected at 5W??


Hi all- so we went for our first appointment on Fri 3/17 assuming we were between 6-7 weeks (closer to 7) BUT looked like i was measuring at 5W. Turns out they speculate I ovulated much later than I think I did. My previous cycle was long (about 39 days) so I opted for digital ovulation tests which showed my peak about half to a whole week later than my app suggested. My ob said the sac was measuring about 5 weeks but we couldn’t see anything and that was upsetting; we only saw a tiny nub that was alleged to be the beginning of the baby. The tech and midwife both reassured I was so early and this is on track with what 5 weeks looks like. Can anyone else relate? I’m trying to be hopeful and positive but it’s very nerve wracking. I am however consistently nauseous, fatigued and have such sore breasts.