Is it normal for an OB to not want to see you for an ultrasound until 10+ weeks? This is my first (I am 32, approx 6 weeks now) but my appointment isn't until April19th.



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Mine doesn’t see me until 8 weeks


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I’m in the UK, and the NHS don’t want to see me at all until over 12 weeks!Luckily as I did IVF I’m still under my private clinic so get a scan today at 6w3d.We’ll also probably get a private scan somewhere between the two scans.


Tula • Mar 23, 2023
Uk as well, miscarriage last year and terrified about this one and won’t see me till almost 13weeks…


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Mine’s at 9 weeks. They usually wait until 7-10 weeks to get the confirmed heartbeat at the same time, but it depends on their availability as well. Good luck!


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My ultrasound appointment isn’t till the 10 week mark! Met with my family dr to book that appt and order bloodwork already though.


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My first they didn’t do an ultrasound until 20 weeks. My second and third was 11 weeks. This one because of other concerns there was one at 6 weeks and have another at 7weeks and 8weeks.


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My appointment is at 9 weeks, in the meantime my GP has organised bloods and an ultrasound


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My first two kids, they saw me at 8 weeks to do a confirmation ultrasound. Then it was every 4 weeks until further into the pregnancy


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In ky my dr sees me between 6-8 for my first one.