Will the ECP work?


Please dont make me feel foolish for asking this, I'm way too confused looking for an answer and google search is making me more confused.

So, I have irregular periods, while some months I bleed twice, in the other I don't bleed at all because of this I don't have any idea when I ovulate. On 19th march i had protected sex but while withdrawing I saw that the condom was loose at the end and semen may have escaped. I took the ecp within 30 mins of the act and if my period comes at the right time it's suppose to come on the 1st of April. I have seen in many posts that ecp don't work if I have already ovulated and i dont know if I did. Is there some experiences you all can share with me regarding the effectiveness of the pill. I had been avoiding sex even with protection for a long time and when I decide to do this happens. Please help me out! 😭