Feeling lost.

Went in for my first ultrasound at 12 weeks only to find that there was no baby, only a sac. I was completely heartbroken when I found out. I had a D&C a week ago on December 23. I've been slowly trying to deal with the pain of losing our baby. 
Some days are better than others but tonight just felt bad. Most of the time I'm unsure what I'm really upset about at this point the miscarriage has been emotionally draining but my husband's reaction to the entire thing has been really upsetting as well. 
He has said a number of times that because it was only a sac that there was nothing to be sad about because we didn't actually lose a baby. For me that's completely different from how I feel and I just do not understand. Then tonight he said that he didn't understand how I could still be sad and I was just baffled. It has been less than a week since our D&C and I feel like he's in a completely different world than I am. He has said that being sad is a waste of time. I feel like his lack of emotion is a lie and we both disagree with each other's methods for coping. I know I should try to accept that we deal with things differently, but it is hard when I'm feeling so sad. I think it would be so different if he felt something, but it seems like he's not affected by it at all. 
The pregnancy was real and the baby was real. I just need him to understand that. How do I deal with our differing thoughts about the miscarriage.