Clinging on to hope


So I dont properly track ovulation. I use Flo (re downloaded Glow because I documented my last pregnancy on this app and wanted to look back)..

My periods/cycles are pretty much textbook, every 28 days. During my fertile week I can see the change in CM and can feel ovulation cramps... I have been taking pregnancy tests since what the app is estimating 7DPO (I know this won't be accurate) right up until today (day my period is due) I have seen faint lines on the cheap tests (like I really need to squint or have line eyes) but all I had left this morning was a clear blue digital which was negative. Am I completely out this month as I thought if I was pregnant then surely there would be enough HCG in my urine?

Basically I'm posting in the hope someone says noo you have a chance LOL!