Long post need advice …

Backstory my fiancé an I are going on 8 years this may but I haven’t felt anything towards him for a while now since I had my second child which will be 4 December so almost 4 years now I haven’t felt much emotion or love for him I feel awful I want our spark back I want to feel how I felt when we decided to be more than best friends but I don’t know what to do has anyone else went through this I’m 25 by the way so I feel like my sex drive should be through the roof but it’s not we have sex maybe 2x a month if we make out I feel nothing I don’t even get turned on like I use to do I need to talk to my doctor should I even be feeling like this is there something wrong with me that even him touching me does nothing I don’t want what we have to be over but I feel like it is he doesn’t communicate his feelings at all so I have no idea where he stands but he acts like he doesn’t care how I feel or that I have tried to tell him something is off …