Please help ! I have no friends and need advice


I’m almost Halfway thru my pregnancy and my partner lives in another country and refuses to tell me when he will be here to support me. My biggest fear Is how I know personally I won’t want him to come out potentially at all if he doesn’t come soon b/c I have a boundary where I want him and I to be involved in a relationship together (not just with this baby). If he doesn’t come out for another month or two, I genuinely feel like i have the pregnant right to do whatever I want. If he doesn’t come out till right before birth I don’t think I will ever feel truly loved by him, but almost used and resentful towards him.

Can you ladies tell me if I’m being fair or just hormonal ? What would you do if you had no support system and group of friends ?

How do your boyfriends or parents help you ladies?

I have a 8 year old son I JUST told over spring break that he’s going to have a baby sister and he has a very normal fear that he will be replaced but luckily is excited 😊 I can’t drop everything to go with my partner and get on a 24-34 hour flight (I flew back alone and I can’t

Imagine doing it there AND back unless he came

With me). He says he needs to be there to work but he doesn’t have a job and I am selling everything I have and he says I’m in too much debt for him to come here. I can still keep doing everything I’m doing with him physically here. I have offered to fly there if he flew back with me

And stay a couple weeks max bc of free health insurance and my son and my dog (he says things like “only if u get rid of the dog” 😳

What should I do bc I am waking up depressed and ready for the day to be over and o should be enjoying this as I’m Getting older and this will most likely be the last baby I have :(

I love Him ,But I feel like I need him to be physically there for me after being alone here for over 2 months.