How much are you willing to put up with

How much would you be ok with with putting up with, i'm very thankful to be able to stay home with our kids but my husband and i have gone through so much because of his mental health issues and yesterday his actions towards our 6 year old have made me more resentful towards him. (We were at the dinner table and our son was upset about putting the tablet away so he laid his head down on the table and my husband yelled "you want to lay your head go ahead!" And he pushed his head down on the table and wasn't letting him get up for a few seconds) i have not talked to him about it because he knows he fucked and he apologized to our son already. I just know life will be harder as a single mom for myself and for the kids but idk how much is too much. He stopped taking his behavioral meds and has been extra snappy at us. Theres obviously a lot more but im just wondering if im overreacting or what other people would just put up with to make a marriage work