Third time lucky ❤️


This is my 5th pregnancy. I’ve two living children. This time pretty much to the week last year I received my news I had a missed miscarriage. I had a second miscarriage in December. I have my first scan tomorrow for this little one. I’ll be 7 weeks 4 days. I’m over analysing symptoms etc. I’m an emotional wreck. In the space of 5 min my life will be changed forever. My sonographer is a little doteen and when I see her again tomorrow we will have out little happy dance I’m there and then proceed. Just wanted to have my little rant. My husband will also me an anxious mess waiting for my call I do these scans solo. So I can process and then gather myself and then have time with my husband when the kids are in bed to talk and cry or whatever needs to be done. Please send me luck or prayers positive vibes all will be appreciated!!! ❤️❤️