Is this weird??

I’ve been dating this guy for 3 years, I’ve lived with him and his mom for about 6 months till are new house is done in April, well she has this new boyfriend he’s absolutely weird he gives off those bad vibes the vibes u don’t wanna be around he’s mean af and makes like gross ass jokes about women one day he’s like to his mom” if I kicked ur tits u wouldn’t even feel since they so saggy” like what the fuck and then talked about kicking women in the private part I thought that was so weird. I’m also 19 weeks pregnant with my boyfriends kid. Well we got cameras in the house and he watches them 24/7 and posts about it on Facebook and the camera footage on Facebook😵‍💫 and I think that’s weird bc it shows the outside house and ur showing random people where we live. He’s absolutely disrespectful and mean I cannot stand him neither can my bf or his brother he doesn’t work a lot and he was home and so was I and he’s like when u gonna do the dishes damn it looks gross it was only his 3 dishes in the sink. But do you think it’s weird he post the camera footage online all the time? Of the inside and outside of the house?and weird he’s always on it. Note his mom gets a new bf every couple months like 2-3 months there is a new one. Also the guy who installed cameras put a hole in the wall and he’s like imma shoot him with a ar15 i thought that wasn’t funny at all it was a mistake.