Woah! 6 week growth spurt, the struggle is real!!!

So I had thought for the past two days that my baby hated me. That I was doing something wrong. That we were going backwards with sleeping instead of forwards due to the several extra feedings in the night. And the resistance to napping when he clearly needed it. And then the constant feeding that has my nipples back to being sore all over again. Basically I thought I was not performing my motherhood duties well enough, but I am quite sure that this is part of the terrible 6 week growth spurt. Our baby is 5 weeks old, so I guess I didn't see it coming. But sure enough he is absolutely learning things quickly, like grabbing, and following objects. And I have a hunch he is also growing physically too. I feel 1,000 times better having the knowledge now that my baby doesn't hate me, in fact he needs me more than ever and that is why he is so fussy!! Now I have a better plan in place to react to his cries. I just thought I would share incase anyone else is going through the same thing!!! You ARE doing a great job at motherhood!! That is why your baby fuses, because YOU are the one he trusts and needs to get him through this learning/growing curve.
Now let's just hope it ends as quickly as it started...