Fear affects me

Is it normal to get all scared and shakey when someone is mad and yelling? Like does this happen to your or is it just a me problem? And what should I do about it? It’s only when that person is mad and yelling with no regard to anyone else. He says I shouldn’t be affected but I’m like human and idk how to not be so affected. Like i misplaced the manual temporarily for the crib he said it was fine, but then I walk in and he’s in there complaining about me misplacing the manual of course not on purpose like shit I was 6 months pregnant and put it up don’t know where it is at the moment. Like damn shit happens man. So he went and got another wrench to use then put the crib together and now it’s the wrong way. They say everything happens for a reason, but what’s the point of someone being so angry and mad at me? Like the manuel will show up no doubt about it but like come on. People make mistakes. It’s all verbal tho so that should make it easier, wrong. Not easy at all but now I know why I stick around, I fear this person. And now he knows so I mean I guess that’s an invitation for him to continue doing it. Idk.

Umm he was yelling, screaming very loudly. If I had recorded it I would post it but I’m saying it’s scary. I guess you had to of been there, how am I supposed to describe how angry someone is without proof? Someone so mad they would punch walls or rip cabinets off in the kitchen. You tell me idk.