Night weaning 18 month old


I’m pregnant with baby #2 and my 18 month old still nurses through the night (at least three times). We also bed share. I would like to night wean before baby number 2 gets here because I remember how much baby number one nursed (and still nurses). She will be turning 2 years old when new baby gets here.

Do you have any tips on night weaning or an experience to share? We’ve moved a twin mattress into the second room for my husband to sleep on away from us since he can’t stand crying. (I tried the pick up put down method when she was younger but hubby came in after about 20 minutes and said it was torture to let her cry so much). So I’m a little nervous that I’m going to try night weaning and he might not be able to handle it.

If we can’t do it I think I will just continue nursing through the night and when baby number 2 arrives I will just nurse two at night and bedshare/Co-sleep with two. I’ve heard that women do it successfully. Maybe I can too. Any suggestions? Thanks!