Loneliness during second pregnancy


Ok so, this is my second pregnancy and I’m being grateful to be pregnant. This pregnancy is so different from my first and that’s okay I guess. The only thing I didn’t suspect at all to be something that would really rattle me has been loneliness. I haven’t reply been talking to my close friends about the baby like I did with my first pregnancy and they haven’t been as involved as they were before with my first pregnancy. I also know that my friends are all in different sessions of life than they were before with my first pregnancy so I definitely understand. I guess what I want to know would be is this how pregnancy is after you’ve already had a baby? I want to be excited about baby #2 but I’m struggling and the loneliness isn’t helping at all. Is it normal for the first child/pregnancy to receive more excitement and support compared to the pregnancies/children that follow? Gosh I feel like such an attention seeker for even vocalizing this and I feel ridiculous and selfish. Somebody please tell me I’m not crazy.