Prayer ??

Father, In the name of Jesus Christ I come before You and humble myself to confess and repent all of my known and unknown sins and I confess the sins and iniquities of my parents, grandparents, and all other ancestors and I ask for your forgiveness.In the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the power of His blood, my unborn baby is surrounded by the hedge of divine protection and blessed to have a perfect health in the womb and after birth. I confess God’s word upon my unborn baby and I reject all types of Pregnancy complications and I hold the Blood of Jesus Christ against Gestational diabetes, High Blood pressure, preeclampsia, Epilepsy, pre-mature birth, physical and mental disabilties, infectious diseases, miscarriages, inherited sicknesses, every form of antenatal and postnatal infections, birth defects, malfunction, any hormonal problem, pains and sufferings in me and in my unborn baby.In the mighty name of Jesus Christ let my womb be covered with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, hear the word of the Lord be filled with the Holy Spirit even from the womb who is a chosen by God, called for royal priesthood and grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I commit my children’s to you as a living sacrifice and will raise them in the admonition of the Lord by the strength of your Word so that they will become great men and women of God and call me blessed. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray and confess that the environment of my delivery will be charged with Gods presence. Only the Doctors, Nurses, support staff and Persons ordained by God will be present at the point of my delivery and every equipment that shall be used upon me and on my unborn baby be cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ.  Amen