What do panic attacks feel like?

*trigger warning miscarriage*

Sorry i also don’t know where to post this.

So I had a devastating missed miscarriage at 13 weeks a couple of weeks ago and had to have a D&C last week to have everything removed as my body didnt pass it naturally.

After the surgery my arm where they put the canula in, swelled up, and i had a purple bruise all the way down my vein from my wrist up into my armpit and it was agony. They sent me back to hospital as they were worried about blood clot, but they said in the end my vein was infected from where the canula was put in. Gave me antibiotics.

Now yesterday, I was feeling absolutely fine and was just laying on the sofa watching TV, chilling out. All of a sudden literally out of no where, I had a pain in my chest, I got tunnel vision, my body went ice cold, my arms and hands went completely heavy numb and tingly, I felt confused, heart beating out my chest, my body was uncontrollably shaking, I couldnt breathe, couldnt move and genuinely felt like I was dying. My partner called an ambulance. They done a load of tests and basically said they didnt think it was a blood clot or anything bad, they think it was a panic attack??

I do have quite bad anxiety, and obviously I’ve been in an emotional mess from my miscarriage, but nothing like that has ever happened to me and I actually felt quite chilled yesterday and was having a good day. It just literally came out of nowhere. Today I’m feeling exhausted and spaced out.

Does anyone have panic attacks think this sounds like one? I’m obviously worried about blood clots / sepsis etc from the surgery last week and this infection I have, but the paramedics were pretty sure it was a panic attack.