pls help


Please don’t make fun of me because I am going to sound really dumb, but I have bad OCD and anxiety. I’ve been on the mini pill and never got a period. After about three months on accutane, I started randomly spotting but it was basically all dark brown, like old blood. My pharmacist said it will make my birth control less effective. My first question is, does that mean I’m ovulating? It happens a couple times a month randomly.

Second of all, this is what is getting to me. I was with a guy and he had precum on the outside of his shorts (idk how he had that much, but he did). He was touching me, but never fingered me. I’m worried that he may have touched the precum by accident and then touched me. He swears he didn’t, but my OCD is making me fixated on this. I’ve read that virgin pregnancies are possible. Theoretically, if precum was brushed on the outside of my vagina, am I pregnant? I know this sounds so irrational but I am just anxious and need answers from people who have more experience than me. Can sperm swim through clothes with the leaking ejaculation? I’m just worried I’m pregnant.