I need some help


I need some help trying to understand what is going on

I had my periods on the 20th- 26th of March

I then ovulated on the 2nd of April

So I’m 16 days late for my periods I took a test every day for the first week an they all came back negative

My periods are not normal

For example I get my periods ever 25 days for 7-8 days

The 1st week that I was late I was experiencing some light cramps an I have a few spotting but it was only on my pad never on the toilet paper an it was not fully red it was more a red/brownish colour like what you get when you finish a period

It was like my periods were coming but never did (I had a few sign of pregnancy)

2nd week I have some discharge that was on the toilet paper an some light cramps that would not last more then a few mins so I decided to go an got bloods done which also came up negative

My doctor thinks I need to wait another week due to my periods not being normal an that my HCG level might be a little low

I have taken a ovulation test this morning an a line come up

Is it possblie to be ovulating when I have not had a period yet

I don’t think I am pregnant but just want to see if anyone else had the same or kinda knows what is going on

Please no judgement as we have been trying for 2 years an this is the closest we have gotten to a missed period