Insurance bs

So my husband recently switched jobs, the job he got hired under is turning into a new company on the 1st. His last job totally effed him on ins. I'll spare everyone the long story, basically we got dropped on November 29th. So this new job is making him wait until the 1st, which I know is around the corner, to sign up for benefits. I am 20 weeks and 3 days along with our baby. I have not seen a doctor since the beginning of November and I had to cancel all of my appointments for December including the anatomy scan. All of my previous blood tests have come out good, and I feel her doing gymnastics in there, but it's so worrying not seeing a doctor routinely to really make sure everything is okay. I just can't wait to get our insurance back and get in to see my doctor and reschedule my anatomy scan. Sorry I just needed to vent. This is my third kid, you'd think I'd be more chill about it, but I'm not. Every little weird pain or feeling I get scared.