The mood

TTC month 6. I should be a perfectly happy wife, I've got just about the best husband a girl could ask for. I great job, two perfect fur babies and I live in the most beautiful place in the world. Life is great, well kind of great. We are having problems conceiving. It has been stressing me more and more. I'm a very happy person, not a lot to worry me in life but since trying to conceive each month it take a bit out of me. I've left the chat boards stopped taking the ovulation test even stopped taking pregnancy tests. Each month, each test is a negative and a bit more sadness. I'm no longer happy when I see a friend is pregnant or just had a baby, I'm sad. My doc says wait a year, give it a year... He says. My mood has changed now it's no longer happy, it's flat. Here's hoping for a positive 2016! I know others out there need it too.