
Shayne • 🌈💙Ezra 3.17.18💙- 💗Salem 10.1.19💗
A Christmas miracle...my husband and I had been trying for about 10 months and finally, Dec 26th I got a positive test. I've never been so happy. 
Very next day began light bleeding and mild cramping. I hoped that was normal and it would stop. But it never did. After a hospital visit and then a visit to my ob, we learned I would miscarry. I've never been so heartbroken. 
For a short time there was a life that my husband and I made inside me. For a short time, my life and future was changed. I think the worst part is that for a short time I was holding on to my dreams, I was given my wish...and then it was ripped away. I'll never know what could have been. 
I know most women won't read this, or respond to this because miscarriage is just too sad and most women on here don't want to think about it and just want to think about the hope of becoming pregnant and posting that BFP. I know, I was one of them. I will never again pass by a woman's post about her miscarriage and not tell her how sorry I am. 
I'm 23 and this is the first loss I've ever known. I will never forget you and the joy you brought us for a short time. 
"I carry you in my heart"