Holy crap!!!

Curry • I'm 30 have 2 boys, they’re 10 and 5 and my daughter is 3 months. I’ve been with my husband for 8 years. 2 dogs, 2 rabbits and a bunch of fishies. I like kayaking and camping but don’t do either nearly enough

So today I am 33 weeks and 5 days. I'm due 2/12 according to my dating scan and LMP. I had an appointment with my ob and I asked about the babies going over 42 weeks and what his policy is.... He looked at my last 2 ultrasounds, my weight graph, and my belly measurments. My son weighed at 32 weeks and 3 days 5lbs 11oz and was in the 96th percentile for everything else. So he's measuring big (yes I'm aware that weight can vary) so he looked at all of it and tells me that they'll do a follow up ultrasound when I'm 38 weeks and if he's still growing at the rate he's at they'll talk about inducing me at 39 weeks if my son hasn't made his appearance by then.

Sorry so long. I'm just crazy excited and hearing my Dr say that made this seem so much more real.... As if my belly and swelling wasn't evidence enough.