Need a female dog name

Natasha • 21yrs old. Mommy to three awesome fur babies who are service dogs.
Found this little cute girl out in the street. Wasn't gonna just leave her out there, she's way to young and its to damn cold. Not sure what to name her, she doesn't like any of the names my fiancé and I came up with lol. She is a husky. 
Sorry if posted in the wrong group. EDIT: I will be takeing her to the vet after the new year. For a check up and to see if she is microchip. The organization I am with helps veterans. They give and help train dogs to be service dogs. So if we don't see that anyone is looking for her, she will become a service dog. Another EDIT: my fiancé and I have called her all the names you ladies suggested. She didn't really respond to any of them. Not a ear wiggle, head turn or tail wagging. I did like the name suggestions so thank you. She seems to like the name Emma. So we are probably going to stick with that.