My husband wants to leave. Please help.


Please go easy on me, I am a wreck right now.

So my husband and I have been together for coming on 6 years, and married for 1.5. No kids. I have always had a fear and a mental block around sex, and this negatively affected our sex life. My husband was very patient and tried all that he could. He even offered to pay for therapy for me. However I never took him up on his offer for fear that I would find out I am somehow “unfixable”, and thus cause the relationship to end or something. Well by not trying at all I did not avoid that possibility. My husband is very hurt and feels insecure due to this. We do have sex, however it’s not incredibly often. He told me that he wanted a divorce yesterday, and this hit me like a truck. Besides this issue, we are a wonderful pair and have so much love for each other. But I have hurt him, by not getting help for myself even when i was straining our marriage. I looked into couples therapists and found one I liked. However, my husband left for his parents for the week and plans on moving out of our shared apartment when the lease is up. I want more than ANYTHING to make this work because we have such a solid foundation , and I truly believe this is something that can be fixed and we can come back from. But he is hurt and I don’t know how to convince him to try. We are Christian’s and don’t take divorce lightly but I think he is so frustrated and lost and doesn’t know what else to do. Please help.